about the freeflow foundation
A Montana non-profit working to make the deeply meaningful, academically rigorous, and creatively stimulating field-based programs of Freeflow Institute available to all.

Most of our scholarships are awarded by our affiliated non-profit organization, The Freeflow Foundation.
We believe that all people should have an opportunity to build skills, grow connections, and experience creative freedom in wild places. Through The Freeflow Foundation’s scholarships, we aim to make Freeflow Institute programs available to all, regardless of background or current economic means.
The Foundation was created in 2020 to help offset program costs and travel expenses on Freeflow Institute courses for participants from marginalized or lower-income communities, as well as to provide extra guidance, gear, and resources for those participants unfamiliar with wilderness or river travel.
We are committed to fostering a sense of deep belonging in outdoor education, for all people.